Merve (Assistant General Manager)

In the intensity and fast pace of our daily life, regardless of what we have achieved in many areas of our lives, we often find it hard to focus on our own needs, goals and priorities. In this sense, I would like to thank Zekiye Olgaçay, who was very helpful to me, inspired and motivated me to work on my own goals, while creating the discipline, following up and setting up my priorities.

It is our own choice, to do or not to do what we can and are capable of. On this journey Zekiye was an excellent guide and supporter…

Michael J Gelb (Author of the international best seller How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci)

Zekiye Olgaçay brings keen insight and accurate empathy to all of her clients.  She is a wonderful catalyst for growth and transformation.

Didem (Human Resources Director and Trainer)

I met Zekiye completely by coincidence in the corporate environment. Without much awareness about the regression sessions, I said to myself "let me have a taste of this" and with Zekiye's amazing energy the taste of my life was brought back.

In every session, from the locked up trunk of my consciousness, both familiar and forgotten feelings and experiences were revealed. I experienced incredible miracles not only through my awareness of them but also by the transformation of the energy related to these subjects. These miraculous events between the sessions, as well as the special moments I shared with Zekiye, have developed for the highest good for both me and all my loved ones.

A lot of people around me are living in a mess, not knowing what to do with their desperation and stuckness with the expectation that their lives will be touched. I make an effort to get them "Zekiye's touch" in their lives. Thank you for your great energy and all the good things that you have supported me to invite into my life.

Umut (Finance Manager)

You can be with it or against it... you can be the hero, or the opposition of these lines... Life is a bit like these words..

Goodness, truth and beauty; Zekiye Olgaçay is person who has embraced all these virtues within herself.

Time, while slowly covers and hides certain things on the other hand it can sneakily bring up unresolved pain. It happens in the movies. The person who is faced with the danger of falling from a high place, makes ones heart pounding move in despair and tries to hold on to something .Usually there is a savior that holds their hand so they don't fall. Two words come from their lips. "Trust me!" Salvation depends on their loyalty without any doubts. If this trust is established, it is not the hands that bind them tightly, but the unbreakable power that they are bound by their hearts.

That's exactly the time I met Zekiye, when I was just about to fall!

In my meaningless and unhappy life she extended her hand to me. She helped me regain my strength. Trusting her also increased my confidence. She opened up paths to me that I had not dared and had postponed. With my trust and loyalty to her she is not just my life coach, but my life teacher. She first introduced me to the Alchemist; opened up spaces for me to pursue my dreams and beliefs. She then took me on a hero's journey. And now she is my Dreamer in the School of the Gods. I am grateful to Zekiye Olgaçay because she offered me the ocean of freedom, showed me to let go, to forgive, a life free from pain, misery and doubt, to be a mirror of others and the world and above all to stay in the "moment" and that there are still good people in this world and the aliveness and joy of believing in miracles.

Ayse (Hotel Sales and Marketing Director)

I can say that the experience of this session has made a real difference in my life. It has allowed me to take the steps that I kept postponing and did not have the courage to take.

I would like to thank Zekiye Olgaçay very much showing me my attitude towards authority, why I could not take certain steps in life, the core reasons and the great transformation and change this has caused in my life.

I am already looking forward to the next experience. With love...

Ipek (University Student)

I heard about Zekiye at a period in my life when I was getting to loving and being at peace with myself, I felt that she was the right person for regression.

It was such an experience that at the beginning I thought 'is it really happening' when suddenly I found myself in it. Despite the fact that my mind had doubts whether it really has worked it is a very powerful and effective experience. We healed the root cause of the belief and emotion of a situation that I had been trying to deal with for about a year, a situation that even when I thought I solved it I would go back to the same circumstances.

During the session, I released all the people that made me feel unworthy and that I was unable to forgive. Now, I do not love nor do I hate them, I feel neutral. After the session I came to such a point that I said "I am a strong woman. I will attract a stronger man than myself in to my life. Until I do, even if I do not have someone in my life I feel that am a sufficient and valuable woman" and I believe this without any doubt.

I felt I could breathe again and I was freed. I felt I could stand in my power. I started to love and show compassion to myself even more. Now I know I belong to myself.

Zekiye is a source to miracles in her therapies; I very much suggest that you try at least once.

Beliz (Product Manager)

Until 2 years ago, when I experienced a very sad event I was always a very positive person, full of life and joy. After the event I was deeply depressed and made life miserable for myself and those around me for nearly 6 months.

I even had psychotherapy to heal, but nothing was helping me until I decided to have regression session.

Only after one session, my life changed. I was not crying anymore, I stopped waking up in the morning with the nightmares, my marriage that was deeply affected came right; I was laughing and happy again.

Most important of all was that I realized that the problem was not just that event I had experienced but the sad experiences and people of the past that had affected me which I thought I had overcome. During the session, all the subconscious stuff surfaced and we healed them.

In short, my spirit was detoxed.

Esra Bangoğlu (Kundalini Yoga Trainer; Life Coach and author)

I have known Zekiye for a very long time. She is very successful as a guide in solving emotional blockages. She is the one for those who want to find the root causes of their issues that seem so unsolvable and to transform them.  She is a master practitioner of the emotional release technique.

Fatoş Kınay (Expert Psychologist, Life Coach, Trainer)

Zekiye is not only a source of great healing for those on the spiritual path, also for those who have scientific values and perspectives; because her work she does is not detached from scientific value; she has a holistic approach where she combines the mind and the heart leading to a deep, inclusive and whole transformation.

Zekiye is a gifted and dedicated healer with a huge compassionate heart and she will support you to gain your confidence in your heart, assist you to your revolutionary transformation. Moreover, she has not forgotten that she is also a human, a leader without and ego and a traveller that is always learning.

What more can one ask from a healer...

Endless gratitude to Zekiye, who has ignited my belief in my heart and in miracles.

Lale (Designer)

After I had a serious danger on a flight due to a motor breakdown about 35 years ago I was terrified to fly again and could not get on an airplane. This was limiting my life in so many ways.

With the help of the regression therapy I had with Zekiye Olgaçay, I released all the worries and fears that were locked in my cells.

Now I can have very comfortable fights and I can even say I can enjoy them. This incredible change has provided a great freedom and lightness in my life.