Transformational Coaching

Are you ready to transform your life and create the life of your dreams? To start living from your true self and realize your highest potential

You are aware that you have some challenges but you are not sure how to overcome them. You may be feeling stuck in a life that is not fulfilling.

For example;

  • If you are constantly experiencing similar issues in relationships
  • If you are dissatisfied with your business life or career and you are not doing what you love
  • If you cannot reach the income you desire, money is scarce and you can’t create wealth and abundance
  • If you have a lack of self-esteem or you can’t stop the negative thoughts in your mind
  • If you have problems with weight and physical body

You may know what you desire but don’t know how to start and you cannot motivate yourself to take the actions to change (in different areas of life like work, relationship, finance, family, health)

If you want to increase your awareness during this process and want to get to know yourself more deeply,

If you are ready to reach your goal step by step, to experience the power of change by taking action with awareness,

Or you may have tried many times and failed and have lost your faith that it will ever change, making you feel helpless and depressed

If you want to recognize and release negative belief patterns,

If you feel at the deepest level of your heart that life should be more than what it is,

You feel that you have a much greater potential, but if you do not know what it is and what you need to do,

With change and transformation, you are ready to claim your true power

If you have a deep desire to lead a happy and free life with gratitude in your heart for just being alive

During the coaching process, we will look deeply at all areas of your life and 1- or 2 goals will be set. During the journey towards your goals you will go through a deep transformation and awareness. An average for a successful coaching process is approximate 12 sessions.

Along with the classic goal-oriented coaching practices, Zekiye Olgaçay’s personal experiences and modalities from different trainings she went through her 17 years journey which include healing practices and shamanic knowledge will be part of the coaching process.

Beyond reaching your goals, a deep inner transformation and a shift in consciousness will take place.

Each session will take about 2 hours.